Document Type : Original Article


According to the Twelver Shia belief, absolute guardianship belongs first and foremost to God Almighty, and this guardianship is manifested in the prophets and Imams. Divine guardianship is divided into two types: creational and legislative, both of which were manifested in the reality of Muhammad .Then, from the difficulties of the light of that Imam’s existence, it emerged in the existence of Imam Ali and the other eleven Imams. During the occultation of Imam Hujjat, legislative guardianship is realized under special conditions in the deputy of the Imam, the wali al-Faqih, all of whom are within the scope of divine guardianship.
According to the belief of the mystics, absolute divine guardianship was manifested in the reality of Muhammad and from the difficulties of that Imam, it emerged in the existence of the leaders and scholars of Muhammad, who are not limited to the two sons of the Imam.
The mystics have provided evidence for this claim through verses and narrations that are common among them and also through revelation, which have been referred to in the text of the article. The great Shiite scholars have also proven the matter through verses of wilayat and Imamat, such as verse 55 of Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 59 of Surah An-Nisa’, verse 3 of Surah Al-Ma’idah, as well as the hadiths of Ghadir, Manzillat, Al-Thaqalayn, and the like, which have been referred to in the text of the article.