Aims and Scope


Thematic Axes and Priorities of the Biannual Journal of Research in Shia Comparative Theology


  1. Comparative studies on theological subjects from the Shia perspective and other theological doctrines.


  1. Comparative studies of religions with a focus on Shiism.


  1. Historical analysis of Shia theological issues.


  1. Theological epistemology from the viewpoint of Shia and other religions.


  1. Comparative analysis of theological opinions across Shiite sects.


  1. Exploration of social theology from the perspective of Shiism and other religions.


  1. Critique, review, and correction of Shia theological treatises.


  1. Comparative theological studies in Abrahamic religions.


  1. Examination of the philosophy of ethics and theology from the perspective of Shiism and other religions.


  1. Practical theology in Islam and comparative studies with other religions.


  1. Comparative analysis of rational and narrative theology within Shia Islam.


  1. Comparative study of the philosophy of religion versus the philosophy of theology.


  1. Studies comparing traditional and contemporary theology.


  1. Comparative examination of Islamic and Western theology.


  1. Applied theology (Kalam).


  1. Interdisciplinary issues in Kalam; and other related topics.


