Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Knowledge Organizations Editing Department, Islamic Information and Documents Management Research Institute, Islamic Science and Culture Research Institute

2 Graduated from Level 3 of the Specialized Center for Islamic Theology, Imam Sadiq (AS) Higher Education Institute, Qom.


The rule of grace has an important place in Imami theology, and this rule has been cited in proving some important theological issues. The problem of the present research is that the principle of kindness in Imamiyyah has been faced with doubts and what has been the position of theologians in facing these doubts? This research is organized with a historical-evolutionary approach and a descriptive analytical method, and has shown three distinct periods: the period of formation (the period before Sheikh Mofid), the period of growth and development (the period of Sheikh Mofid until the beginning of the 11th century), and the period Consolidation (from the 11th century to the present). During the development period, except for Ibn Nubakht, other theologians did not have an independent view on the rule of grace, and the only doubt that was raised and answered in the book "Aliyaqut" by Ibn Nubakht about the necessity of the rule of grace, is the doubt that grace is futile. In the period of growth and development, with the expansion and elaboration of the topics related to the rule of grace, many doubts were raised on this rule, which of course theologians answered these doubts and defended the rule of grace. The characteristic of the Thabit period is, firstly, the new doubts and doubts raised in non-theological works, especially the works on the principles of jurisprudence, and secondly, that some theologians, after mentioning some doubts, did not answer them, as if they doubted the validity of this rule.