Document Type : Original Article




Faith in Raj'at Is a unique belief among Shiites, which has sparked extensive discussions throughout history about its affirmation or rejection. Most of these discussions have revolved around a range of Quranic verses that apparently indicate such meaning. However, Sunni interpreters, for various reasons, have not accepted this interpretation. The present article addresses this topic in two parts: the first part specifically examines the interpretive views of Amin al-Islam Tabarsi and his reasoning on this matter. Tabarsi places the issue of Raj'at within the context of Quranic verses in two axes: possibility and affirmation, and he addresses the objections raised against it. In the second part, nine objections raised by Alusi, a well-known contemporary Sunni interpreter, against Tabarsi's views are examined and responded to. The conclusion drawn at the end clearly indicates that the discussion of Raj'at is a Quranic issue; however, Alusi has criticized Tabarsi using extra-Quranic arguments, therefore his criticisms are not valid against Tabarsi's interpretive reading.