Document Type : Original Article


Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba`i University, Tehran


One of the basic issues in Islamic thinking is the question of the purpose of creation. The main question of the current research is whether God had a purpose in creating creatures or whether God is beautiful and does not need purpose and purpose. The position adopted by each of the thinkers is different based on their foundations. The authors are trying to explain the purpose of creation from the point of view of theologians and Avicenna. Mu'tazila believe in the finality of God's creation and Ash'are believe that God's creation is not final in order to negate any inherent poverty of God. Ibn Sina has a different view on this issue based on his philosophical system. Like the Mu'tazila, he considers the lack of purpose of creation to be absurd, and at the same time, like the Ash'arite, he considers the existence of purpose in creation to be against monotheism. Avicenna, expressing a new plan, believes that the creation of this world was not based on the goal. He believes that the reason for the realization of creatures is the creative foreknowledge of God's care. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical.