Examining the Position and Role of Mulla Sadra and Some of his Students in the Philosophizing of Shia Theology

Fatemeh Taherizadeh

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 7-27


  The situation in Iran at the end of the 8th century of Hijri was accompanied by events that had an impact on the cultural and intellectual issues of that time. With the establishment of the Safavid government, Shiism was declared as the official religion and entered the social currents, and Shiite scholars ...  Read More

Revisiting the Assignment of the Mu'tazilism from the Perspective of Imamiyyeh and Ash'arism Scholars

Ahmad Reza kafrashi

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 29-50


  The extent of human influence and involvement in the actions issued by him is one of the important topics that has always been the focus of the thinkers of different Islamic theological sects throughout the history of Islamic theology. Based on this, the theories of determinism, the theory of gain, assignment ...  Read More

Proving the Imamate of Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (a.s.) through Hadiths and Testaments from Shia and Sunni Sources and Answers to Doubts

SAEID BAKHSHY; Arezoo Shokry

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 51-78


  One of the reasons quoted by Shia theologians to prove the Imamate of Hazrat Ali (AS) and its authenticity is the "Hadith of Wasayat". This prophetic hadith is about the will of the Prophet (pbuh) to Imam Ali (pbuh) regarding the Imamate and succession after the Prophet (pbuh). The mentioned hadith has ...  Read More

Considering the Sunnis as Having the Love of the Ahl al-Bayt in the View of the Shia Scholars in a Critical View of the Book of Moseli

Mohammad Jafar Milan Nourani; Majid Sarkoubi

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 79-105


  Abdullah Moseli, the Salafi author of the book Even if he is not deceived, claims in one of the parts of his book that the Shiites consider the general Sunnis to be Nasebi and enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt. As in other parts of his book, here too he cites some narrations and sayings of the Shia elders in ...  Read More

Refutation of Ibn Taymiyyah's Problems on the First Rational Argument of Allameh Heli on the Proof of Imamate of Imam Ali (AS)

Reza Baniasadi; Fatemeh Ghoveh Nadooghan

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 107-126


  Ibn Taymiyyah criticized Allama Helli's rational argument about the Imamate of Imam Ali (a.s.), which he presented using the necessity of Imam's infallibility. While he generally does not accept the divine appointment of the Imam, he also rejects and does not accept the argument of the Imam's infallibility. ...  Read More

Qur'an and Bible and the Issue of the Fulfillment of Prophecies

mohamad sahaf kashani

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 127-147


  The Qur'an and the Testaments (Bible) contain hundreds of prophecies about small and big events in the future, but this issue is more important in the Testaments. Prophecies form a large part of the Old and New Testaments. In Christian theology, the term prophet refers to a person who predicts future ...  Read More

Reasons and Types of Imam Reza's (AS) Emphasis on the Imamate of Javadalaemah (AS)

zohreh akhavanmoghaddam

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 149-185


  The life of Imam Javad (a.s.) is distinguished from other imams due to some phenomena; Because during the era of his noble father and grandfather, beliefs were created among the Shiites that deviated some people from the truth and led them to falsehood and caused them to not accept his Imamate and created ...  Read More

A Comparative Study of the Interpretive Approach of Salafiyya with an Emphasis on the Verses of Seeing the Most High

fatemeh ahmadi; zohreh Mansouri

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 187-214


  Salafiyyeh is one of the new sects that consider themselves subordinate to Salaf Salih and are interested in reviving the tradition and style of Salaf Salih and following the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), his companions and followers. The Salafi movement, in its own opinion, has placed religious reformism ...  Read More

The Flow of Causality between the Four Islamic Religions

Seyed Sadreddin Taheri Moosavi; maryam khoshnevisan

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 215-239


  The discussion of this article is about causation, especially active causation, and the author's foundation is to examine the matter through a comparative method between the heads and some elders of Islamic theological sects. In this article, first the definition of causality was stated in the form of ...  Read More

Analyzing the Supremacy of Amir al-Mu'minin (AS) Based on the Verse of Mubahlah, Focusing on the Arguments of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) Based on Shia and Sunni Sources

ehsan torkashvand

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 241-263


  The Mobaheleh verse, which was revealed about proving the truth of the Messenger of God (pbuh) before the position of Jesus (pbuh), is one of the texts that, through it, on the superiority of the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) and consequently, on the Imamate and immediate caliphate of that Prophet ...  Read More

Examining the verse of the affliction of Abraham (pbuh) in ancient Shiite theological and Imamate sources and the problem of Imamate

kazem ostadi

Volume 4, Issue 6 , March 2022, Pages 265-292


  In order to argue and prove the issue of Imamate and the succession of the Prophet (PBUH), "theological, historical and also the verses of the Holy Quran" are referred to. In the meantime, verse 124 of Surah Al-Baqarah (which is known among late and contemporary Shias as the verse of the suffering of ...  Read More