Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Philosophy, Mofid University, Qom, Iran.

2 Department of Philosophy of Fiqh and Islamic Law, Research Institute of Fiqh and Law, Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Qom.

3 PhD student, Fiqh and Islamic Law, Mofid University, Qom.



The problem of this article is semantics and discussion of the ontology of meaning. In fact, this article deals with the ontological approach in meaning. Existential approach and nonexistent approach. Semantics plays a decisive role in the process of text interpretation and meaning discovery. In this article, an argumentative and philosophical method has been tried to examine the viewpoints of two groups of language experts. The arguments and opinions expressed by several groups of experts (philosophers of language on the one hand and fundamental scholars on the other) are criticized and examined. Their differences and commonalities are expressed. The purpose of this article is to examine and explain the ontology of the nature of meaning as the most basic and fundamental philosophical premise that is the basis of other linguistic topics. In the end, the authors present their final point of view by referring to Allameh Gharavi Esfahani's point of view and completing the shortcomings of that theory, as well as linking it with the views of Muslim philosophers about the soul.