Document Type : Original Article


Mohammad Esmaeil Abdollahi, Faculty of Governance, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Human nature is one of the most important propositions of belief, which has become the starting point of contemporary insights about man, and it will be influential in the context of any school of thought that is translated. The main problem of the research is: What is the relationship between "first man", "first sin" and "human nature" and to what extent and what are the consequences of these three, from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai and Augustine? Therefore, the purpose of this research is to discover the relationship between the three basic concepts mentioned in Islam and Christianity. This research is of the type of developmental research and using descriptive analytical method and library research method to prove the hypothesis "phenomenology of human nature in Allameh's thought system is the purity of human nature and his seeking God and in Augustine's thought It is the sin of polluting the human nature and placing evil in the world. The comparative meta-analysis of the ratio obtained in establishing a relationship between those three concepts and extracting its intellectual documents in two Islamic and Christian readings of the first sin is the main feature of distinguishing this research from similar researches. By delving into this issue, it was found that man has a pure and divine nature, which is the case of leaving his original first, the process of introducing the devil and the speed of returning to the truth, and the corruption of Adam and Eve's disobedience, is only its own extension. which led to their exit from heaven, their deprivation of heavenly blessings and their descent to earth so that man can approach the position of God's closeness by understanding hardships; Therefore, the evil in the world has nothing to do with the first sin, and the result of the existential quality of the system is good.