Document Type : Original Article


1 , Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Student of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law/Theology Faculty of Allameh Tabatabai University/Tehran/Iran/Level 3


The issue of eternal punishment in hell is one of the issues in which there are many differences of opinion between Shia and Sunni theologians; Although the appearance of some noble verses of the Qur'an is clear about eternal punishment, some consider silence in punishment as impossible and impossible. are The main challenge in existing disagreements is the contradiction between eternal punishment and God's mercy, by saying that God's vast mercy includes all beings in the world and prevents some people from staying in hell forever and being tormented, this research is descriptive and analytical and with referring to the written documents compiled and compiled and the findings obtained; Eternal punishment in hell is clearly stated in the Qur'an and cannot be interpreted with other meanings. Eternal punishment does not contradict God's vast mercy, but it is necessary and the same as God's mercy. It consists of reaching the limit of his cruelty to the limit of perfection and to the limit of the characteristic form, giving and giving. Now, if the effect of such a characteristic form is permanent punishment, it does not contradict the general mercy of God, but this itself is one of the examples of God's mercy, but it is necessary and obligatory. It is.