Document Type : Original Article


1 Unevecity

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University


One of the main issues among religious studies is the subject of “salvation”. The question is whether the followers of other religions are saved. Regarding this subject, Three main approaches are considered; Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism.
the present paper aims to study the viewpoints of two famous and influential Muslim scholars from Sunnah and Shia perspectives. The first is Ibn-Timie, a Sunnah scholar, and the second is Mortaza Motahhari, a Shia scholar. Considering, the lack of references in Ibn-Timie and the newness of the subject, the methodology of research was the descriptive method. Therefore, based on the findings from primary and secondary sources, the paper made an analysis assessment. The research findings show that from Ibn-Timie’s view, based on the Quran and the holy Prophet of Islam’s tradition, “Salvation” only belongs to the “Salaf”. But from the viewpoints of Morteza Motahhari, based on the Quran and the Holy Prophet tradition and also rational reasons, all people under a condition will be saved. Therefore, it seems that Ibn-Timie believes in Exclusivism and Motahari believes in Inclusivism in the salvation of other people.
