Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University Fahima Faqihi, third level student, Imam Hossein Institute of Higher

2 talabeh

3 Qom Seminarythird level student, Qom seminary


Proof of God's existence is a core theological question. Theologians and philosophers have long strived to answer it, leaving their achievements in written works. This essay examines the proofs offered by Shiite theologians Shaykh Sadouq, Shaykh Mofid, and Khwaja Nasir al-Tusi (peace be upon them). It employs a library-based data collection method and a descriptive, analytical, and critical approach to analyze these proofs. After collecting their views, the data is classified and compiled. The essay then analyzes the views, explaining their commonalities and differences. Finally, it offers critical points and reaches a key conclusion. While all three theologians base their arguments on numerous proofs (Fitrà, Pay the potential penalty, teleological-arguments, occurrence, Motion, Possibility and Necessity), Khwaja Nasir's contribution and the strength of his arguments are considered to be greater than those of Shaykh Sadouq and Shaykh Mofid, with Shaykh Mofid's contribution surpassing Shaykh Sadouq's. However, most of their arguments have been further developed by later Shiite theologians and philosophers.