Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord university


The ever-increasing development and progress of science in the universe has led to providing the ground for man to face the unknown and turbulent future and on the one hand to distance himself from previous matters such as beliefs and religious issues. The aim of the research is to investigate the most important features and consequences of new science and It is to express the existing challenges and opportunities from a religious point of view. Therefore, the research problem is the nature of new science with a pathological approach and a religious approach with a descriptive and analytical method. The findings of the research show that considering that new science is mainly based on empiricism, which has a one-dimensional and incomplete view without considering all aspects of existence, and the scientific and educational institutions of most countries of the world are based on this type. The paradigm and pattern have been designed and targeted; The acceptance of this model by any society requires the acceptance of inevitable harms and crises such as; The material nature of the new science, the one-dimensional view of the laws of the world, the domination of man over nature, the separation from the revealed teachings, the denial of religion with the claim of the originality of science and reason, the negation of metaphysics, the emergence of moral and spiritual crises, and the reliance on the purely experimental method are the new science. Now he is facing it. Therefore, it is necessary to create solutions such as; Negation of the one-dimensional view, two-dimensional explanation of human existence, adjustment of human domination, explanation of the mutual influence of science and religion, creation of a link between knowledge and value, proof of metaphysical ideas and adornment of science with moral virtue, correcting the epistemic base, in such a way that It should be appropriate and compatible with intellectual, cultural and religious and spiritual teachings.