Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The exploration of the meaning of life remains a central concern for contemporary humans. While Heidegger did not explicitly address this matter, his opinions can be discerned from his writings. He posited that modern humanity grapples with a form of nihilism, and the remedy lies in a return to authentic existence. In the later part of his life, Heidegger emphasized the importance of preventing dominance over nature and promoting respect for it as the criterion for the meaning of life. One significant limitation of Heidegger's perspective is the neglect of the role of goals and purpose in imparting meaning to life. In contrast, religious views provide a framework depicting a perfect, transcendent, and eternal goal for human life. This divine goal can guide individuals toward the pinnacle of meaning in life.


Heidegger, Martin. (2001). Being and Time, Blackwell, USA.
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