Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The current curriculum for MA in Islamic Theology was designed in 1384 (2005). After 16 years, now it needs both minor and major revisions in courses as well as its headlines. This includes eliminations, introductions, minor changes, or major changes. In this paper, drawing on the teaching experiences of the authors and others in this area, we propose a better-designed and a more comprehensive curriculum. In this proposal some courses are eliminated due to uselessness and some other necessary ones are introduced. Other revisions include change in the title of courses to better match with their content. In general, all courses are revised and updated one by one.

By providing a report on the status quo, criticizing it, evaluating it, and suggesting an ideal situation, we propose a new curriculum. Although it probably has its own faults and will get old due time, it is clear that the current curriculum needs some major revisions.


سرفصل‌های رشتۀ کلام اسلامی مصوب وزارت علوم در 31/2/1384 
سرفصل‌های رشتۀ علوم اسلامی گرایش کلام اسلامی سطح دو حوزۀ علمیه مصوب3/6/1392
سرفصل‌های رشتۀ کلام امامیه مصوب برای سطح سه حوزۀ علمیه 8/ 2/1392.
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