Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Theoretical Foundation, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2  Phd of kalam religions. University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Islamic knowledge. Qom University of Medical Science and Health Services, Qom, Iran


Paying attention to the literal meaning of the word messenger and prophet in the Qur'an, and when they are addressed as messengers when they are prophets, is an important point that has received less attention from Quranic scholars. Some have interpreted both as meaningful and a group as a meaningful contrast between the words of the Prophet and the Messenger. The present study examines the views of Fakhr Razi and Allameh tabataba'i using library and descriptive-analytical methods. Fakhr Razi considers the criterion for choosing a prophet to be only the prayers of God by God and considers the prophet to mean a human being who is different from other people through revelation. According to Fakhr Razi, such a person becomes a messenger whenever he is commissioned to propagate revelation. He also considers the relationship between the two to be general and especially absolute. But according to Allameh Tabataba'i, the Prophet is a person who expresses to the people what is good for their livelihood and resurrection, and the Messenger is the one who carries a special mission, including the completion of a proof that seeks to oppose that torment and destruction and the like. Therefore, according to Allameh, the mission is a special and superfluous description of prophecy. Therefore, according to the above definition, it can be said that what Allameh knows as a "Prophet" is "Messenger" according to Fakhr Razi.


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