Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Philosophy, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


The holy verse: “He is not questioned about what He does, but they shall be questioned”, is one of the Quran’s verses that have been discussed by religious scholars. The most significant question regarding this verse is about the reason, God is not questioned. Considering some views concerning explaining this verse, shows different mystical, philosophical, and theological foundations for answering it. Some theologians believe that negating the question of God is referred to as negating the necessity or not acting by God. In some others meantime believing in the necessity of some acts upon God, relying on the divine act on wisdom is the reason for negating questioning God. Some philosophers argue that the negating question of God is led to negating the finality of divine acts. Mystics try to explain it by relying on divine mystery, knowledge, and proof. This paper by emphasizing some thinkers’ thoughts tries to argue that Mulla Sadra’s view is more justified, then tries to reread the verse in relevance with before and after verses


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