Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Islamic knowledge, Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Kashan, Iran


The purpose of this article is a comparative study of Rashid Reza's views on the interpretation of Al-Manar and Allameh Tabataba'i in Al-Mizan on the issue of intercession in the Holy Qur’an. This article is a descriptive-analytical study of the views of these two thinkers. The consequences are that Rashid Reza, while examining the verses related to intercession, believes that the verses of the Qur'an do not indicate the existence of intercession on the Day of Resurrection and that the only savior of mankind is his good deeds. According to Rashid Reza, there is no inconsistency between the verses of intercession. Expressing a rational argument for the denial of intercession, he says: Intercession for the rulers of the world is either based on ignorance or based on injustice, and both cases about God are excluded. Allameh Tabataba'i believes that the verses of the Qur'an are sufficient to explain the issue of intercession and by carefully examining the verses of the Qur'an, one can derive the Qur'anic view in this regard. The reason why intercession is completely rejected in some verses is that God wants to deny independent intercession, and the verses that indicate the existence of intercession with God's permission prove the existence of intercession non-independently and by God's will. According to Allameh, intercession is an opportunity for God's mercy on the Day of Resurrection, and with intercession, neither ignorance of God will be removed nor will God benefit. In addition to the afterlife effect, intercession also has a worldly effect so that people are directed towards the intercessors. The conclusion is that the verses of the Qur'an have a definite implication on the issue of intercession and clearly state that intercession is both intellectually and incidentally possible


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