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The Research Journal of Shia Comparative Theology is a double-blind peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by Allameh Tabatabai University, a leading institution in the humanities and social sciences in Iran. This journal is established to provide an intellectual platform for national and international researchers focusing on philosophical and theological issues. The journal aims to publish high-quality articles that report findings relevant to significant topics in theological research.

The journal charges two million Rials as an initial review fee, and an additional four million Rials upon acceptance to cover part of the processing costs, with Allameh Tabatabai University supporting the remainder financially.

The Shia Comparative Theology Research Journal is available exclusively online.


Wilayat in Islamic Sufism and Mysticism and Shiite Belief, Relying on the Opinions of Ibn Arabi, Seyyid Haidar Amoli, and Allameh Tabataba'i

Mohammad Hossein Bayat

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024, Pages 9-38


  1-IntroductionAccording to the Twelver Shia belief, absolute guardianship belongs first and foremost to God Almighty, and this guardianship is manifested in the prophets and Imams. Divine guardianship is divided into two types: creational and legislative, both of which were manifested in the reality ...  Read More

A Historical-Evolutionary Look at the Objections to the Rule of Lutf in Imami Kalam

abdorrahim soleimani behbahani; mahdi najafi moghaddam

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024, Pages 1-30


   1-Introduction In the terminology of theologians, grace (luṭf) is one of God’s attributes of action and has been defined in various ways. A comprehensive definition would be: “Grace refers to an act that invites the obligated person (mukallaf) to obedience and deters them from disobedience ...  Read More

Study and Criticism of Sayyid Abul-Fadl Burqa'i's Doubts on the "Hadith of the Tablet of Jabir" with a Theological Approach

esmail esbati

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024, Pages 65-98


  1-Introduction One of the most important reasons for the Imamiyyah to prove their beliefs about the Imamate is the Twelver hadiths. According to this group of hadiths, the number of Imams and their names were specified by God and announced to the Prophet (s). The Prophet (s) and each of the Imams have ...  Read More

The Significance of Revelation in the Qur'an and the Testaments, and critique the theory of dreams

Ali Karbalaie Pazoukiei; Ali Basirat; Saleh Hasanzadeh; Hesammoddin Khalatbari lemaki

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024, Pages 99-125


  1-IntroductionRevelation, serving as the foundation for the formation of  Holy books, including the Quran and the two Testaments (Torah and Gospel), plays a fundamental role in the structure of divine religions. This concept, representing the direct communication of God with the prophets, underpins ...  Read More

Survey and critique the justifications of believers regarding the multiplicity of divine attributes based on the principles of Mulla Shamsa Gilani

mohammadreza farahmandkia

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024


  1-Introduction Since the revelation of the Holy Qur'an and the introduction of God with multiple names and attributes, the relationship between the Divine Essence and His attributes has been a significant topic of discussion among Islamic scholars. According to the Ashaere, the seven affirmative attributes—namely, ...  Read More

Comparative Study of the Foundations of Rationality from the Perspective of Allamah Tabataba'i and Muhammad Al-Jabri

Abdul Mutalib Abdullah

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024


  -Introduction According to many thinkers, reason plays an important role in the creation and development of human knowledge. Despite the challenges in the religious field, the role of reason in the creation and development of religious knowledge is undeniable, and a kind of correlation exists between ...  Read More

The Documents, Narrators, and Manuscripts of the Al-Ṣaḥīfa al-Sajjādiyya (A Comparative Response to Rejecting the Doubts of Opponents)

Fatemeh Taherizadeh; Mohammad Moeini far; Akbar Bagheri; Seyyed Mohammad Sebt Tabatabaei Yazdi

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024


  . Introduction The life of ʿAlī Ibn-e al-Ḥusayn al-Sajjād (‘a) occurred in one of the most challenging times for the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) and the Shiite community, because many restrictions were imposed by the oppressive Al-Khilāfa al-Umawiyya rulers to prevent communication with the Imam ...  Read More

A comparative study of the philosophy of rulings in Islam and Judaism based on the Qur'an and the Holy Bible

Amin Abbaspour; Mahdi Izadi; Mohammad Hosein Mashhadi Tafreshi

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024


  The philosophy of legislating laws is one of the important theological issues that has long been of interest to scholars. By conducting a comparative study between Islamic laws and Jewish laws, it is observed that there is a difference between the philosophy of legislating laws between these two religions. ...  Read More

Investigating the foundations of Shia in finding the meaning of creativity by applying it to the verse "I do not behave for you from the dust of the air"

mohammad hosein shirafkan; abdolrahman bagherzadeh; mohammad sharifi

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024


  Abstinence and likeness are two deviant thoughts in the knowledge of Allah, which the messengers of God forbade and invalidated both of them, and against these sayings, they put forward the promise of "Tanziyyah"; Among the topics that are the place of different opinions is finding the meaning of creativity ...  Read More

Explanation of the Issue of Raj'at In Majma' al-Bayan by Tabarsi and Response to Alusi's Objections

سید محمد تقی موسوی کراماتی; سید محمد باقر موسوی کراماتی

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024


  Faith in Raj'at Is a unique belief among Shiites, which has sparked extensive discussions throughout history about its affirmation or rejection. Most of these discussions have revolved around a range of Quranic verses that apparently indicate such meaning. However, Sunni interpreters, for various reasons, ...  Read More

A Comparative Examination of the Roots of "hiérohistoire" in the Teachings of Imam Ali (AS) and the Thoughts of Henry Corbin"

sayyed Kamal keshiknevis razavi

Volume 5, Issue 9 , September 2024


  The present study examines the concept of “sacred history” and its impact on spiritual hierarchy, anthropology, and historical interpretation from the perspectives of Imam Ali (AS) and Henry Corbin. Both perspectives emphasize the intermediary role of prophets and saints in guiding humans ...  Read More

Investigation and Criticism of the Positivist View of Auguste Comte about the Origin of Religion Based on the Fitrà Theory of Shahid Motahhari
Volume 4, Issue 7 , September 2023, , Pages 97-120


  One of the important issues that is raised today in the philosophy of religion and the new theology is the question of the origin of religion and how it came into existence. Religion is a phenomenon that mankind has been dealing with for a long time, and no era can be found in which religion does not ...  Read More

Investigating the Concept of "Prophet" and "Messenger" in Al-Mizan and Mafatih Al-Ghayb Fakhr al-Din al-Razi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , September 2021, , Pages 305-344


  Paying attention to the literal meaning of the word messenger and prophet in the Qur'an, and when they are addressed as messengers when they are prophets, is an important point that has received less attention from Quranic scholars. Some have interpreted both as meaningful and a group as a meaningful ...  Read More

Analysis of the relationship between Qadha and Qadr and Bada from the perspective of the parties
Volume 4, Issue 7 , September 2023, , Pages 231-254


  One of the most important theological debates is the issue of scientific Qaza and Qadar (Divine Decree and Predestination) and its incompatibility with Bada’ (alteration in the divine will). Some popular scholars believe that there will never be a change in God's Qaza and Qadar because they consider ...  Read More

A Comparative Study of the Condition of Imam's Armed Uprising from the Viewpoint of Imamiyyah and Zaydiyah
Volume 1, Issue 1 , March 2019, , Pages 69-98


  Imamate is one of the fundamental Islamic principles that many other principles are explained in the light of it. Just as the difference in the Imamate as a fundamental principle has caused some of the Islamic cults, differences in the attributes of the Imam have caused cults such as the Imamiyyah and ...  Read More

Studying Ghazali's and Khawaja Nasir al-Din Tusi's Views on the Issue of Imamate
Volume 1, Issue 1 , March 2019, , Pages 301-327


  Al-Ghazali considered the existence of the Imam necessary to Shari'a reasoning and the consensus of the Ummah and considered it useful for the consistency of religion and the world but did not consider infallibility for the Imam. He believes that we need the Imam only in the affairs of the state and ...  Read More

.تاثیر نحوة حدوث نفس بر تفاوتهای ادراکی زن و مرد (مقایسۀ مبانی و نتایج نظریات خواجه نصیر الدین طوسی و ملاصدرا)

Saeed Anvari; Sana Firoozeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 January 2025


  مسئله: متکلمین و فلاسفه، اکثرا زنان و مردان را در عقل نظری یکسان دانسته و در عقل عملی متفاوت به شمار آورده‌اند. این دیدگاه با مبنای روحانیة الحدوث بودن نفس سازگار است ...  Read More

A comparative study of theories of meaning among Muslim fundamentalists and Western language philosophers

Mohammad Sadeq Kamelan; Saeid ZiyaeiFar; Amirhossein Safahosseini

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 19 February 2025


  The problem of this article is semantics and discussion of the ontology of meaning. In fact, this article deals with the ontological approach in meaning. Existential approach and nonexistent approach. Semantics plays a decisive role in the process of text interpretation and meaning discovery. In this ...  Read More


Frequency: Semiannual

Print ISSN: 2717-1108

Online ISSN: 2717-1116

Indexing and Abstracting




